Weibo Cai received his BS degree from Nanjing University in 1995 and a PhD degree in Chemistry from the University of California at San Diego in 2004. After three years of post-doctoral training at the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford University, he joined the University of Wisconsin - Madison as a Biomedical Engineering Cluster Hire in February 2008. Dr. Cai is currently a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor with joint appointment in the Departments of Radiology and Medical Physics, as well as affiliation with Materials Science & Engineering, and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Prof. Cai is currently a member of the UW Carbone Cancer Center (UWCCC), UW Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center (UW-SCRMC), UW Cardiovascular Research Center (UW-CVRC), and the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (UW-ICTR).
Prof. Cai has authored > 400 peer-reviewed articles, > 20 book chapters, > 330 conference abstracts, edited 3 books, given > 360 talks,and guest-edited many special topic issues for various peer-reviewed journals. His work has been cited > 40,000 times (h-index:104). Prof. Cai has served on the Editorial Board of > 20 scientific journals (Theranostics, Journal of Nuclear Medicine, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Molecular Pharmaceutics, Bioconjugate Chemistry, American Journal of Cancer Research, American Journal of Translational Research, etc.), performed peer-review for ~ 150 journals, participated in many grant review panels, and chaired many sessions of international conferences, among others.
Prof. Cai is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Impact Factor 2.5) , and the Journal of Nanobiotechnology (Impact Factor 10.2 ). In addition, he is also an Associate Editor for the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Impact Factor 9.1) .
Honors and Awards
- SNMMI Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Council Michael J. Welch Award (2022)
- BMC/Springer Nature Journal of Nanobiotechnology (JNB) Trailblazer Award (2022)
- Ride Scholar, UW-Madison (2021)
- Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC, 2021)
- Fellow, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI, 2019)
- H. I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship, UW-Madison (2019-2024)
- Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (APS) Outstanding Paper Award (2019)
- Highly Cited Researchers from Clarivate Analytics (Cross-Field, 2018)
- Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine (CSNM) Annual Meeting Plenary Lecturer (2018)
- Inaugural Nano Research Young Innovators (NR45) in Nanobiotechnology (2018)
- Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) (2018)
- Nano-Micro Letters (NML) Researcher Award (2018)
- Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professorship Award, UW - Madison (2016-2021)
- Plenary Lecturer, European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Annual Congress (2016)
- Vilas Associate Award, UW - Madison Graduate School (2014-2016)
- 1st Annual Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), Future Leaders Academy (2014)
- Siemens Novel Application Image of the Year (2nd Place) (2013)
- South Central Wisconsin Affiliate of Susan G. Komen SMART Komen Champions (2013)
- EANM Springer Prize for Best Basic Science Paper (2013)
- Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Highlights (2013)
- American Cancer Society Research Scholar (2013-2017)
- Berson-Yalow Award, Society of Nuclear Medicine (as Senior Author) (2012)
- EANM Eckert & Ziegler Abstract Award (2012)
- Rusch Poster Award for Best Basic Research, UWCCC Annual Research Retreat (2012)
- EANM Springer Prize for Most Cited Paper (2011)
- Press Release, Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting (2011)
- Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program IDEA Award (2011-2014)
- Wisconsin Partnership Program MERC New Investigator Award (2009-2012)
- Top 10 Molecular Imaging Research Papers from Journal of Nuclear Medicine (2007)
- SNM Young Professionals Committee Best Basic Science Award (1st Place) (2007)
- Society of Nuclear Medicine Benedict Cassen Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2006-2008)
- Top 10 Most-Cited Articles in Nano Letters (2006)
- Stanford University School of Medicine Dean’s Fellowship (2005-2006)
- Model Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, UCSD (2003)
Email: wcai at uwhealth.org OR wcai4 at wisc.edu
Phone: 608-262-1749
Office: K6/562 CSC
Mailing address:
K6/562 Clinical Science Center, 600 Highland Avenue
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Madison, WI 53792-3252